Loaded 17-40m rotary dipole. Bandwidth = 150Kc on 40m full coverage of the other band/bands and also perfom on 6m. Max power 2KW pep Balun is recommended
Rotary dipole loaded for 17 and 30m (6m)Full bands coverage also works well in 6m. Max power: 2Kw pep Balun is recommended
Balun 1:1 on ferrite rod, suitable for rotary dipoles and yagi Max power: 1,5Kw SWR: 1.1 1-52Mhz SO239 Complete with connecting wires jumper.
Balun 1: 1 5 KW pep, ferrite core, suitable for rotary dipoles and yagi Bandwidth: 1-30Mhz SO239 Complete with connecting wires jumper